300 Lincoln Street
Antigo, WI 54409
Parking is available on both the south and west sides of the church. Handicapped accessible parking is available directly outside the south entrance DOOR 4 and on the west side of the building.
The Sanctuary (Worship Space)
Once inside the narthex (lobby), the sanctuary (church worship space) is easily accessible. Men’s and women’s restroom facilities are available in the narthex.
Watch us on Facebook Live Sundays 8:00 & 10:30am and Thursdays 6:30pm.
Listen on 106.1 FM WACD Antigo Sunday at 10:30am. Services and sermons are also posted on YouTube by Tuesday.
Holy Communion
The Lord’s Supper is a gift of God’s grace, where we receive the true body and blood of Christ in the bread and wine. This meal is also a testimony of our common faith. Guests who have not confirmed their faith in a congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod are asked to speak with a pastor prior to communing.
Bible Study
Adult Bible study is held Sunday mornings and evenings. The at 9:15am session is in the Fellowship Hall, directly off the narthex. The 6:00pm evening session can be viewed live on Facebook. Friday mornings a men’s Bible Study is held at Farmer’s Home Restaurant, 527 Field Street in Antigo. Various other studies are held. Services and Bible study are typically 60 minutes.
Children and teens are encouraged to join their family for worship services. A special message just for children is shared at the Sunday 10:30 service each week and on non-communion 8:00am services. Busy bags are available for the little ones to use in the pew as they learn to worship with their family.
Childcare is open weekdays for all children from infants through age 12. School is open to all children grades 3K-8th grade. Junior and Senior High Youth groups meet weekly. Check out our ministry page for more information on how to get your teen involved!
Dress Code
A great church outfit is one that makes you feel comfortable in the presence of the Lord. Peace Ministries asks our guests wear what helps them to feel prepared to worship. Modest attire is most appropriate in most cases and casual clothing is welcome.
Peace Lutheran welcomes prayer requests on-line through our website or by contacting the church office at 715-623-2200.
Becoming A Member of Peace
Pastor Dave Karolus leads a 10 week new member class in the fall and in the spring each year for teens and adults who would like to explore church membership. These classes are offered at no cost and with no obligation to join Peace. Together we explore the Bible, the nature of God, the truth about Jesus as well as other religions and denominations within Christianity. Following completion of the classes individuals and families are invited to become part of our church family.
Core Beliefs/Statements of Faith
Ways to be Involved-Opportunities to Fellowship with Others
Peace Lutheran Ministries is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod