3 on 3 basketball Tournament
team information
Teams are limited to 4 players. The oldest player on the team determines your bracket.
There will be no co-ed teams. If there is a boy on your team, you will be placed in the boys bracket.
Final Team placements are at the discretion of the Head Referee and Commitee Chair.
​ Boys & Girls Grades

Team Entry Fee $50.00
Entry Deadline : Mon. March 3, 3:00 pm
Checks made payable to :
Peace Lutheran School
Mail completed forms to
Attn: Nikki Heinzen
Peace Lutheran
300 Lincoln St.
Antigo WI 54409
Questions? Contact Nikki Heinzen, 3 on 3 Coordinator
715-623-2200 (school)
715-216-2411 (text)
Participating Teams
Watch for schedules and additional event information here!
Schedules will be emailed and available
here on Wednesday, March 5.

Watch for the sign up link here before the event to volunteer with set up, event help, or clean up. We appreciate your help in making this event possible!